Dear visitor,
Welcome! This site is maintained by me, Dr Adam Stanton, as a place where I can keep a record of my research and other interests. Since 2024 I have been Lecturer in Data Science and AI in the Information School at the University of Sheffield. I have also worked as a Research Engineer at TUoS and the Alan Turing Institute, and have held lectureships at Aston University in Birmingham and at Keele University near to Stoke-on-Trent.
My engineering work involves modern machine learning techniques applied to a variety of real-world problems, and my main research interest is in bio-inspired, generative approaches to autonomous systems. I looks at techniques of using artificial evolution to build machines that have intelligence that shows up through animal-like behaviours (thinking of evolution as a machine [that makes] machines). At its simplest, this is “evolving” parameters for simulated robots that enable basic patterns like walking but my real goal is to discover algorithms and environmental-agent configurations that deliver more complicated behaviours like planning and problem-solving.
I’m not active on corporate social media, though I do have a home on the fediverse. It would be great to hear from you if our interests overlap, either there or via email!
All the best,
Adam 🤖🧬🎓🧑💻