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New 3DRC work

I’ve been putting together a page that collates the work I’ve done on 3DRC, including some more recent analysis. It’s a work-in-progress and might remain so perennially, but I’ve made it available here anyway 🙂… Read More »New 3DRC work

Could we make ecobots?

A short proposal I made as part of a research fellowship application to an institute in Japan in Summer 2020. Modern agriculture is dominated by industrial farming methods that are heavily and increasingly reliant on… Read More »Could we make ecobots?

Can I listen to your RI panel discussion?

Yes, the Royal Institution podcast recently published the audio recording of the discussion we had last year in London about the future of Artificial, perhaps General, Intelligence:

What should we do?

Rather than just certain industries, let’s imagine that every job could, instead of by a human, be performed perfectly well by a machine. Everything that humanity currently produces is still produced, except that people stand… Read More »What should we do?